
Last night my Mom called me with the heartbreaking news that they are probably going to have to put my dog to sleep today. Zephyr has had cancer for over two years and was initially given 3-6 months to live. Two years later and he was still toughing it out like a champ. My Mom said that two days ago he stopped eating and his condition has been rapidly worsening.

I am not one to cry a lot when I lose people or pets, but this one has me completely distraught. I have had four dogs throughout my childhood and Zephyr was more “my dog” than any other we have ever had. Zephey would spend every night sleeping on my bed and was more of a friend than many of the people I knew while growing up. He was absolutely one of the most intelligent, loyal dogs I have ever known and I am so torn up that I can’t be there with him. I know that a lot of people won’t understand why I am so upset. I know that for a lot of people “a dog is just a dog”, but he was one of my best friends and I am going to miss him dearly. It makes it all so much harder that I don’t get to say goodbye in person.

Bye, Zephyr. You have been a wonderful friend.

I’m sorry to be such a downer, it has just been a rough 24 hours. In addition to being upset about Zephyr, I have been feeling sick the past week. I have been ending every night with a stomach ache and heartburn and ringing in each afternoon with a headache and nausea. (And no, I’m not pregnant!) I am going to attribute it to the stress of school and hope that it passes within a few days.

I decided not to run today because I am feeling some IT band pain from my longer run yesterday. It’s okay, I still managed to run four days this week for a total of 19.5 miles. Considering how tired and busy I have been, I would call that quite an accomplishment! The roads will still be out there for me to run tomorrow, no need to push it today.

First lunch today was a smoothie in a bowl, a la Kath. I am eating as many green monsters as possible in hopes of kicking whatever illness this is!

There is something about a SIAB that is much more satisfying than a regular smoothie. Even though I made it the exact same way as I would make a drinkable smoothie, eating it with a spoon gave it a feel of a true meal.

Well, I’m off to melt my brain with more study time. I hope everyone has a good afternoon!

10 thoughts on “Sadness+Satisfaction

  1. Awww :(. Hugs to you. Zephyr was beautiful :(.

    On a more positive note, I just received the sweetest little package in the mail and I’m super-excited to watch it! Thank you so much for thinking of me. You are such a sweetie.
    Happy Sunday!

    Lots of love,

  2. So sorry to hear about your dog 😦 That’s something I had to go through right before Thanksgiving. I think it’s impossible to ever truly be at peace with it, but it gets easier to go on with time. I know how a dog can be more like a member of the family than a pet.

  3. Oh, I’m so sorry about your dog. When my roommate’s dog died, I cried off and on for days. (She was kind of like my first dog, too. We used to joke she didn’t know who her “mommy” really was.)

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