Back To School


I am officially face deep in my first week of school. Today I went to the ER to have them remove the bad sewing project on my face and also had the oral surgeon tell me that I have a local infection in the right side of my mouth and he wants to pump me full of antibiotics. You know, your normal first week of school stuff. Despite the somewhat odd start to my week, I am in love with my classes and my major.


First I am taking a History of Telecommunications class with is essentially a history of the development of communication methods and the social implications of them. This is a history class that actually seems like it wont put me to sleep and *gasp* will be incredibly interesting! After History of Telecom, I have New Media Storytelling, which is deceptively a class about storytelling in video gaming. Sneaky sneaky! The class is project based and we have to develop a video game world and the characters in it. We need to create back stories and art to illustrate what the world is like. No programming or anything, just the creative side. Aka, I think I can be a video game fan for the duration of this class. Finally, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a class called Writing For the Media Professional. It is a writing intensive class that I am in pure, insane love with. While most of the class moaned and exchanged looks of worry when she told us the amount of writing we would be doing, I sharpened my mechanical pencil and got right to work. I wonder if I can take a class every quarter even if I get an A? Just for fun…


Later today I am off to a meeting for my praticum at the OSU newspaper, The Barometer, and then off to my Copyediting class. Tomorrow I have a Reporting class as well. These are the big classes that I am using to gear my major toward Journalism. I am insanely excited and actually enjoyed doing my homework last night. Crazy stuff, I know!


Feeding Time

Despite the oral surgeon’s insistence that I should eat solid foods, the small piece of bread I ate felt like a giant explosion of evil in my mouth. Thanks, but I will stick to the Slimfast. After all, I am getting slim, fast.

I am currently opting for the alluring Rich Chocolate Royale variety. Tres delicious!



She’s basically the best. That is all.